Welcome to Exoderm I.M.C

Specializing in advanced medical procedures since 1985.


Since 1985, we have been at the forefront of cutting-edge medical procedures, ensuring immediate and lasting results for our clients.

Specializing in innovative non-surgical face lifts and hair restoration techniques.


Empowering Transformation


Specializing in innovative non-surgical face lifts and hair restoration techniques.


Exoderm Peel is an innovative non-surgical face lift technique offered at our centers, providing immediate and long-lasting results unlike traditional methods.

Biofibre Artificial Hair Implant is a cutting-edge procedure utilizing biocompatible synthetic hair fibers to achieve a natural-looking head of hair in just one or two sessions.

Yes, our advanced hair restoration techniques, including Biofibre Artificial Hair Implant, are safe and ensure durable outcomes for our clients.

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Exoderm Peel By Exoderm Medical Centers